Past LOS! Events

Unsere LOS!-“Focus Introductions” zielen darauf ab, das breite Spektrum der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft widerzuspiegeln, um Gemeinsamkeiten und Synergien zu entdecken. Wie tickt ein Institut? Was macht es aus? Welchen Chancen und Herausforderungen in Hinblick auf offene Wissenschaft steht die jeweilige Disziplin gegenüber? Diese und weitere Fragen werden wir beleuchten.

Den Auftakt macht Prof. Dr. Kai Sassenberg, der neue Direktor des Leibniz-Instituts für Psychologie (ZPID) in Trier. Kai Sassenberg ist bereits Leibniz-erfahren, da er zuvor die Forschungsgruppe “Soziale Prozesse” am IWM in Tübingen geleitet hat. Seit Oktober leitet er das ZPID, was sich selbst als öffentliches Open Science Institut versteht.

Für LOS! werden wir ihn – zusammen mit Ihnen – über sein Verhältnis zu Open Science in seiner Rolle als Forschender und als Leibniz-Direktor ausfragen. Erfahren Sie aus erster Hand, welche Projekte das ZPID vorantreibt und welche Vision Herr Sassenberg für die Zukunft hegt.

Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe LOS! lädt das Leibniz-Strategieforum Open Science alle Interessierten der Leibniz-Institute zum virtuellen Austausch über das Erstellen von Open-Science-Strategien ein.

In dem 2022 verabschiedeten Open-Science-Leitbild der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft werden die Leibniz-Einrichtungen dazu eingeladen, vor dem Hintergrund ihrer fach- und einrichtungsspezifischen Bedarfe eigene Strategien zum Thema Open Science zu entwickeln und zu kommunizieren. Daran schließen die (vorerst) drei neue LOS!-Termine an, in dem sie Ihnen die Möglichkeit zum Austausch über die Erstellung entsprechender Strategien bieten. Dabei ist es unerheblich, ob Sie bereits eine fertige Strategie vorliegen haben, mitten im Prozess sind oder diesen erst andenken.

Zu drei Terminen werden jeweils zwei Einrichtungen von den eigenen Erfahrungen mit der Erarbeitung solch einer Strategie berichten, anschließend gibt es die Gelegenheit für Nachfragen und dem offenen Austausch zum gegenseitigen Lernen.

Der erste Workshop findet am 25. April von 10:30 – 12:00 statt.

Impulsvortragende sind:

  • Alisher Karabaev (ZMO – Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient)
  • Eva Bunge (Deutsches Museum)

Instructor: Dr. Daniel Mietchen (IGB & FIZ)

Wikidata is a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines.

The goal of this session is fourfold:
(i) to provide participants with an overview of the coverage of scientific topics in the ecosystem around Wikipedia, with a focus on Wikidata,
(ii) to outline the community processes behind the generation and curation of that content,
(iii) to explore how Wikidata workflows interact with those of the researchers, particularly in Leibniz Institutes,
(iv) and to highlight potential for further interactions

Examples will be drawn from various research fields, multiple institutions, and multiple languages. Diversity, equity and inclusion efforts of the Wikimedia community will be covered with an eye on similar efforts in Leibniz contexts.

Participants will be provided with possibilities to work in pairs or small groups while
reviewing existing Wikidata content, making small contributions directly, reviewing examples of each other’s contributions, and laying the foundation for more comprehensive contributions that leverage the diverse expertise of attendees and their respective networks.

Ten quick tips for editing Wikidata:



Instructor: Dr. Benedict Diederich (IPHT & OpenUC2)

In the fast-evolving landscape of scientific research, the microscope has emerged as an indispensable tool across diverse fields such as Biology, Material Sciences, and Chemistry. However, the increasing complexity and cost of these instruments have led to an exclusive realm of expertise, threatening to divide the global scientific community. Moreover, the pressure to deliver groundbreaking research results can occasionally lead to manipulation of scientific data, eroding societal trust in scientific findings.
This workshop aims to address these challenges by highlighting the transformative potential of open source projects, such as the 3D printed OpenFlexure [1] microscope and the modular microscopy system UC2 [2]. By offering open-access documentation and open-source design files, these projects foster replication across the globe, a high degree of transparency and reproducibility. This inclusive approach not only preserves these projects beyond their lifetimes but also stimulates an open, iterative development process driven by a thriving user and developer community.
The workshop intends to provide an insight into various projects that serve as examples for community building and comprehensive documentation. It will introduce the free and user-friendly tools necessary for documenting and preparing scientific publications, as well as for sharing knowledge with the public, for instance, through Citizen Science initiatives. Lastly, it will offer an exemplar of how open innovation can facilitate the scaling of a project established at a scientific institution within an open-source led company.
In essence, this workshop aims to explore the interplay between science and open-source principles, offering practical strategies to democratize scientific research and practice.

[1] –
[2] – /



LOS! Workshop: Introduction to R

July 14, 2023 - July 21, 2023

Instructor: Tatiana Kvetnaya  – Goethe University Frankfurt

R is an open source statistical software that is used in many scientific disciplines. It can be used free of charge, offers a wide range of functions and packages for various fields of application, and is constantly being further developed by a dynamic community – so it is not surprising that R is also becoming increasingly popular among researchers.

In this two-day workshop on July 14 and July 21 (9 AM until 12 PM), participants will get an insight into working with R and RStudio and the possibilities these applications offer. Special emphasis will be placed on basic operations for processing tabular data (such as reading, editing, and saving) as well as on calculating descriptive statistical characteristics. Practical exercises, which will be discussed together, will round off the workshop. This should provide a starting point for participants to further deepen the acquired basic knowledge of R on their own.



Speaker: Stefan Schmeja, TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology

Publishing in Open Access is not only a requirement from many research funding organizations, it is also essential to Open Science: If access to scientific information is hidden behind paywalls, only those who hold  subscriptions can build on it.

In this meeting, we will provide you with an overview over different ways of publishing you research results, give tips for choosing a fitting licence and find out what the small letters in a publishing contract actually mean. After this input, there will be time to discuss your questions. If you have a specific question you wish to address, please e-mail Stefan in advance:



Speaker: Guido Scherp, ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics

What is Open Science and which practices does it entail? How can I get started and what is in for me? What is happening in Leibniz in the context of Open Science? These questions and more will be addressed in this talk.

This talk aims at early career researchers in the Leibniz association who want to learn more about Open Science and explore its practical implementation. It marks the kick-off event for “LOS!”, the online event series of the Leibniz Strategy Forum on Open Science. We are open for your ideas and suggestions for future LOS! Events and fostering Open Science in Leibniz in general.

