The interest in legal issues concerning e-Science is growing fast, but these aspects of e-Science still deserve more attention. This is why we launched the « Law for Science 2.0 ».
Its intended outcome will be a detailed guidebook to legal issues for scientists in digital humanities (30-50 pages).
In the first part of our guidebook, specific issues related to copyright law, databases, personal data protection and contract law will be discussed and examples from other Science 2.0 projects will be quoted. Special attention will be paid to legal aspects of research data in wikis and in social networks such as Twitter and Facebook.
In the second part, policy considerations concerning Open Access will be presented; in particular, DFG’s policy for Open Access will be compared to similar policies adopted abroad (e.g. in France and in the United Kingdom) and at the EU level. The newly reformed Directive on Public Sector Information will also be presented. This part of the guidebook will provide guidance to the licensing of research results, in particular using Creative Commons licenses.
Finally, in the third part law reform projects that may concern Digital Humanities in the future, both at the national and European level, will also be discussed.
While conducting our research, we’d like to contact some people engaged in other projects in order to know whether they are aware of legal issues concerning their projects, and how they are going to solve them.
For now, only IDS in-house legal experts are working on the project, but other experts and practitioners are still invited to participate.
The guidebook will be written in English in order to facilitate its dissemination.
The project is scheduled to finish in the end of 2014, but if the guidebook proves useful to the community, it will be updated in the future.